
Find out about the services and products we offer.

Explore our full range of services

Menstrual regulation and aftercare

Menstrual regulation and aftercare

Services that includes pregnancy advice, menstrual regulation and those to reduce the risk of complications from an incomplete abortion.

Contraception and family planning

Contraception and family planning

We offer a wide range of short and long term contraception and family planning methods.

Sexual and reproductive health

Sexual and reproductive health

We support women and men of all ages to stay fit and healthy through our range of services and products.

Maternity services

Maternity services

We provide comprehensive services that focus on maternal health and children's well-being.

Services for men

Services for men

We offer a range of services designed especially for men, including vasectomies and health checks.

General health services

General health services

We offer a range of general health services to women and men through our centres.

Menstrual regulation

Services that includes pregnancy advice, menstrual regulation and those to reduce the risk of complications from an incomplete abortion.

If you’re starting to use contraception for the first time, or thinking about using a new method, it’s a good idea to have a full consultation.

Call us toll-free for a confidential chat

08 000 222 333

Contact us

Find our locations that offer contraception and family planning services.