0800 20 8585

Mobile outreach

Delivering services to the hard-to-reach and under-served

Providing mobile clinical outreach services since 2011

Our outreach teams have built a strong relationship and reputation across Ghana.

Our focus is on providing long acting permanent methods (LAPM), complimenting access to short-term contraception methods with information, and education of alternative family planning methods.

Our outreach teams

Our teams, consisting of midwives, nurses, and drivers, travel to the hardest-to-reach areas to provide contraception and family planning services in high-need, low-access communities.

Our outreach teams partner with Ghana Health Services (GHS) providers and their host health facilities and staff to transform venues to provide access to our complete range of family planning options. This includes short-term, long-acting and permanent methods.

Unsure where your nearest outreach location is? Call our contact centre number on 0800 20 8585