0800 20 8585

Service by phone: Telemedicine

Currently available to women in Accra and Kumasi

Rushed for time? Don't want to come into a center? We're introducing services offered by phone, providing you with a safe and easy way to get the support you need.

Our phone consultations give you a convenient way to access our services from the comfort of your home. You'll receive the same excellent care from our experienced healthcare providers.

We are just a call away.

Please note, as we've newly introduced this service, it's only available to women in Accra and Kumasi.

Contact us to enquire


Frequently asked questions about our service

How does this service work?

First you'll speak to our contact centre agents, who will check that you are eligible to book into a consultation with our providers. If you're eligible, then our provider will have a consultation with you. Any medication you require will then be available for you to pick up at a centre, or have delivered to your home.

What services are available by phone?

We are currently offering some forms of contraception, and pregnancy options counselling. Get in touch for more information.

How long will the consultation take?

The consultation will take around 30 minutes. Please make sure you are in a private space, with a reliable signal.

Get in touch

We offer clear, comprehensive information and personalised advice on which options might best fit your lifestyle and body.

0800 20 8585