BlueStar clinics

Our partners for delivering high quality contraception and safe abortion services on our behalf.

Our private sector provider network.

Marie Stopes Ethiopia created the BlueStar Network social franchise to engage otherwise fragmented private providers to deliver high quality sexual reproductive health services.

We currently partner with clinics and maternity homes across Ethiopia to deliver family planning and health care services.

The BlueStar Network

Our BlueStar Network consists of clinics, midwives and pharmacies across Ethiopia.

We provide our expertise with ongoing training in a range of sexual and reproductive health services, infection prevention, counselling and, most importantly, teach how to put clients’ needs first. After each of our BlueStar franchisees have completed training and meet our quality standards they are able to deliver services on our behalf. We take responsibility for the quality of the services they provide, by assessing and assuring they meet our required standards, and also working with them to provide training and support.

BlueStar loan

Marie Stopes International Ethiopia (MSIE) has worked in close collaboration with the private health sector in Ethiopia since 2007.

As the founder of the BlueStar Healthcare Network, MSIE has witnessed the huge contribution of the private sector to the Ethiopian health system. However, the private clinics are not without challenges. Striving to meet high quality standards and growing expectations of their clients, they are often constrained by lack of financial resources. In response to this limitation, MSIE is launching the Blue Loan financing scheme. It is an innovative funding mechanism which provides access to credit for BlueStar member clinics. The financial resources provided by a Blue Loan shall be used to improve the quality of care that BlueStar members offer to their clients. All interested and active BlueStar members that have been in the network for at least twelve months can apply to participate in the scheme by filling in and submitting the Blue Loan Application form.

Other ways to access our services

Find out more about our other service delivery approaches: mobile outreach, 24 static clinics and call centre services.

Outreach services

Our mobile outreach services teams consist of doctors, nurses, midwives and drivers, who travel to hard-to-reach and underserved parts of the country.

Our centres

We currently operate 24 static clinics across the country. These centres provide quality family planning services and other sexual reproductive health services.

Call centre services

Our clients are always free to contact us with any concerns or queries they may have. Our helpful, friendly and knowledgeable staff are there to guide our clients on a variety of issues.