COVID-19 coronavirus and pregnancy

Support for you during pregnancy and the COVID-19 outbreak

Pregnant women do not appear to become more unwell than other healthy adults if they get COVID 19 coronavirus. We can still support you throughout your pregnancy. 

What is COVID 19 coronavirus?

COVID 19 coronavirus is an illness caused by a new virus that is spreading rapidly across the world. It can affect your breathing system – your lungs and airways. It can be spread from person to person through germs that end up on the hands and on surfaces when infected persons are coughing or sneezing.

Many people will recover after experiencing a period of sickness lasting between 1 – 2 weeks, but some people are at higher risk and may get seriously ill from COVID 19 coronavirus.

We’re still providing services during the COVID 19 coronavirus outbreak, however there will be some changes to the way we’ll run, and some guidance we’ll ask you to follow.

How will COVID 19 coronavirus affect my pregnancy?

Pregnant women do not appear to become more unwell than other healthy adults if they get COVID 19 coronavirus. The majority of pregnant women will have mild or moderate symptoms of a cold or flu.

Currently, there is no evidence that says that pregnant women who get COVID 19 coronavirus are more at risk from COVID 19 coronavirus than other healthy individuals. If you have any other conditions, then please read our guidance for those at high risk.

Will COVID 19 coronavirus increase the risk of miscarriage?

COVID 19 coronavirus is a new illness, and we are just beginning to learn about it. There is no evidence to suggest an increased risk of miscarriage. There is also no evidence to show that the virus can be passed to your baby while you are pregnant.

Should I still attend my ANC and PNC appointments?

These appointments are really important for you and your baby. If you are well, you should attend these appointments as normal. We are taking extra precautions in our centres to tackle the risk of COVID 19 coronavirus, read about them here.

However, if you or someone you live with has symptoms of COVID 19 coronavirus, then it is important you stay at home.

What if I have COVID 19 coronavirus and I go into labour? Should I come to the clinic?

If you have symptoms suggestive of COVID 19 coronavirus and you go into labour, please contact the nearest national hospital or maternity unit for advice on where to deliver. Unfortunately, our facilities are not equipped for managing clients with the virus.

Is it safe for me to deliver in your clinic if I do not have COVID 19 coronavirus?

Our MSI maternity centres follow national guidelines to prevent the spread of disease. If you attend one of our MSI centres for a delivery, you will be screened for symptoms before being admitted to the facility. If you have no symptoms you will receive care as normal. It is always safer to deliver your baby in a health facility. We are taking extra precautions at our clinics to tackle the risk of COVID 19 coronavirus, by ensuring that staff wash their hands and wear appropriate protective equipment this is to ensure that you have a healthy and safe environment in which to welcome your baby to the world.