Aunty Marie Spotlight on Eric Ayiera


29 January 2019

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  1. What are you passionate about?

I have a passion for learning new things because I believe that’s what broadens your horizons & builds self-confidence. I spend most of my time reading anything and everything I come across from books, blogs, journals, tabloids, tweets, documentaries etc just to get a wider and deeper perception of things.


  1. What or who inspires you?

I’m inspired by James Mworia the CEO of Centum investment company(the one behind the Two Rivers mall idea).He started as an intern at 23yrs and he used to be assigned all the menial office jobs you can imagine of despite his superior qualifications. He took that as an opportunity to quietly learn from each department he was assigned and within 7yrs he had grown to CEO position. He is currently the most valued and best-paid CEO in Kenya. I’m inspired by the fact that he never despised any role assigned, he took it as an opportunity to learn.

  1. What’s your greatest achievement in life?


My career has been an interesting journey and there are quite a number of notable achievements I can mention. However, deep within I feel my greatest achievement is being able to maintain a happy wife and kids despite the many office demands of my current position. Somehow I have managed to balance and attend to the demands of both.

  1. Best advice ever told or you can give?

 John Quiny Adams,6th US president……”If your actions inspire others to dreams more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”See you can be the most intelligent or competent person in the office but if people don’t feel inspired by your actions or nobody wants to be like you then you’ve missed an opportunity to influence. Investment in your social capital including things like trust, friendship, communication, and networks is very critical if you want to influence people positively.


5    How would you describe your life at MSK?  

  It’s been a privilege working for this great organization that meets the needs of our Kenyan women. My high moments are the fact that I have been able to move positions quite quickly within the short time I have been around(Trainer-QAA-Training Manger-Programme Manager). My lowest moment was seeing a good number of my very close friends leave the organization due to redundancy but I am glad that we’ve shown resilience and the organization is back on its feet again with a very promising future.


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