
Find out about the services and products we offer.

Explore our full range of services

Miscarriage and post-abortion care

Miscarriage and post-abortion care

Counselling and treatment to reduce the risk of complications from a spontaneous miscarriage or incomplete abortion.

Contraception and family planning

Contraception and family planning

Providing a wide range of short-term, long-term and permanent methods of contraception to help prevent or space pregnancy.

Sexual and reproductive health

Sexual and reproductive health

Screening and treatment to keep your reproductive system healthy, including STI testing and treatment, cervical cancer screening and gynaecology consultations.

Maternity services

Maternity services

We offer both pre and post-natal care services for you and your children.

Services for men

Services for men

Supporting men with contraception and sexual reproductive health.

General health services

General health services

Consultations, lab testing and immunizations for a wide range of general health concerns.

Post-abortion care services

Counselling and treatment to reduce the risk of complications from a spontaneous miscarriage or incomplete abortion.

If you're interested in a service but still have questions get in touch with us.

Call us for a confidential chat on 0800 00 22252

WhatsApp us on +234 909 902 2252

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Find our locations that offer contraception and family planning services.